Creating Real Estate Content for Social Media

Start by gathering all of the information available about the property, including photos, descriptions, and any additional details such as square footage or number of bedrooms and bathrooms.

  1. Create a list of 10 different types of content that you want to produce, such as blog posts, social media posts, and videos.

  2. Write a detailed blog post about the property, including information on its location, features, and any other relevant details. Be sure to include high-quality photos of the property.

  3. Create a virtual tour of the property using the photos you have collected. This can be done using a platform like Matterport or a simple slideshow.

  4. Write a series of social media posts about the property, highlighting different aspects such as the location, the view, or the backyard. Use high-quality photos and add hashtags to increase visibility.

  5. Create an infographic that highlights the key features of the property, such as the square footage or number of bedrooms and bathrooms.

  6. Create a video tour of the property, either using a professional videographer or using a platform like iMovie or Adobe Premiere.

  7. Write a Q&A article about the property, answering common questions that potential buyers might have.

  8. Create a floor plan of the property, either by taking measurements and drawing it yourself or by using a service like RoomSketcher.

  9. Create a list of nearby amenities, such as restaurants, parks, and schools, that would be of interest to potential buyers.

Once you have created all 10 pieces of content, you can use them to promote the property on your website, social media, and other marketing channels. Make sure to use the right keywords, hashtags and tags and to target the right audience.

Download my 8 page PDF guide to creating 38 Pieces of Content for each listing.

A Real Estate Guide to Creating 38 Pieces of Content for each Listing
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